
Thanks for using PlanCrimson! Reach out with any feedback, questions, bug reports, requests, etc. at alexcai [at] college [dot] harvard [dot] edu.

Since March 2023, this project is affiliated with HUMIC, the Harvard Undergraduate Machine Intelligence Community! If you’re a student interested in building these sorts of cool projects, be sure to visit our website and join our programs!

Other Resources

The data for PlanCrimson is taken from the my.harvard Course Catalog. Evaluations from Fall 2019 and onwards are from QReports and evaluations from before then are from the old Course Evaluations site. Here's some other useful sites for planning out your concentration!

About this site

The source code for the client is open source on GitHub! Contributions are welcome and appreciated.

Here's some of the tech this site was built with:

I am not affiliated with any of the above organizations.

About me
